
DIY Day Planner feat. OpenQuoteDesigns

4:27 PM

Hi guys!

A few weeks ago I was super-excited to be approached by Alicia from OpenQuoteDesigns. She's just launched a great pack of downloadable/printable planner pages: her Must Keep Writing Kit. It features 31 different designs, which makes it perfect for #ListersGottaList, but also for every day planner use!

Check out one way I've made use of some of the fantastic sample pages she's sent me in the video below:

If you want to see further ideas, follow me on Instagram!

All items shown in the video can be found in the following stores: OpenQuoteDesigns, StudioL2e, Studio Calico, Citrus Twist, Cocoa Daisy.

If you'd like to see me make any other pages with OpenQuoteDesigns' pages, leave me a comment below!

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