
Blog-tember Day 22 | Get Creative

8:00 PM

Today I get to combine a few posts into one (which will hopefully stop me filling up people's feeds!) which is very exciting for me.

Today's Blog-tember challenge is to: get creative (and share a bit of it with your blog community).

I thought I'd save my Planner Decoration video for this challenge, because this is something I do each and every week to help motivate me to use my planner to manage my life more effectively. I'm someone who is motivated when planner pages look pretty and match myself and the things I love.

This week I challenged myself to use only items from the September Brimbles Box (Stationary). I'm a member of the Mrs. Brimbles Creative Planner and Journal Design Team, so I thought this would be a fun way to showcase and use the wonderful items that came in this box.

I hope you enjoy watching my decorating video!

If you like this video, I have more decorating videos up on my channel, which you can find here.

Don't forget to stop by Brave Love Blog to see all the other creative things people have gotten up to today!

If you're curious to learn more about the Mrs. Brimbles Design Team, stop by Anna's blog!

Until tomorrow, friends, have a wonderful day!

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  1. So cute! I love looking at everyone's decorated planners. I love my planner and I use stickers, post its and washi to help organize but I can never seem to find the time to really decorate it like you show in the video.

  2. Pretty, Pretty, Pretty. I am glad I am not the only who posted about planner decorating. I had a moment of thinking if planner decorating was even a method of showing creativity and my final answer was yes.

  3. What a creative way to stay on top of keeping organized!! That's awesome (and so beautiful!!)
