
Around Here | October 4th

1:53 PM

This video has really inspired me to add buying a pen, nib and ink set and to practise actual calligraphy.

Reading this article reminds that all children have highly individualised needs in the classroom. It makes teaching difficult at times, but a thousand times more rewarding.

Saving this link for if I decide to embark on making my own traveler’s notebook inserts.

Laughing a lot at this LEGO Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2 minutes clip. 

Loving this quote

Thinking that this dad is totally awesome for standing up for his daughter. 

Loving the Halloween goodies shared in this post

This is such an adorable photo project

Found this video to be a fascinating insight to how someone else uses planners and journals and the philosophy that they’ve developed. A long watch, but very interesting, too. 

Loving this tea. My favourite of all time.

Until next time, my friends, have a wonderful day!

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