
Craft Project | Goodie Box February

3:54 PM

Hello, friends!

Earlier this month I shared an unboxing video of the February Goodie Box. This weekend I've finally had some time to actually put it to use and do a bit of happy crafting this morning! 

For those who are unfamiliar with the Goodie Box, it is a monthly subscription box put together by Blank Goods, a Melbourne-based DIY craft supplier. The February box (plus the other boxes) are still available for purchase on their website, if you're curious!

This month's theme was all about fabric painting and creating your own awesome designs. I won't go through all the items in the box (if you want to see those, watch the unboxing video) but it does come with everything you need to create your own stamps, and includes paints, paint brushes and really great instructions and ideas.

You can see below the colours the paints came in. I limited my palette to colours that I absolutely adore. Limiting myself also gives me less chance to hesitate and I really love the pieces I created today.

All in all I decorated 5 bags - a large tote, two large and two small cotton canvas gift bags. For each bag I slipped a scrap piece of paper inside just in case the paint bled through (it did!). 

I deliberately used simply shapes. The triangles was inspired by one of the examples shared in the Goodie Box kit, the diamonds is just because I like the way they fit together!

In case you're wondering - I didn't intentionally have the triangles overlapping. That was a happy oops! moment that I'm glad about!

Did all my stamps work out perfectly? Nope.

Did I get perfect coverage? Nope.

Did I accidentally get black paint on the pretty pink paint? Yep.

Do I care? Nope!

I am not a perfectionist. I adore imperfection in handmade items, because it lets you know a real person made it. (Perfection has a place, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to throw away the bag above because it was my first time using fabric paint and I made a mistake!)

This bag was my first (and only) attempt at free-hand painting on the cotton canvas bags and I think it turned out really nicely. I may even add in some stamped images over the pink heart at a later date.

The last step was to iron over the painted images after they'd dried and now they're ready to go.

Did I have fun? Absolutely.

Thanks Blank Goods!


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