
Haul | Mrs Brimbles & Scrap Boutique

5:30 PM

This week I received two scrapbooking-themed orders in the mail and I thought I would share them with you guys. I've got an unboxing video that I'm going to embed below, and below that I'm going to share some links to all the products mentioned and some close up photos for the curious.

The two stores in questions are the Mrs Brimbles Online Store (based in the UK) and Scrap Boutique, which is an Australian online store.

Carpe Diem Bits and Pieces http://bit.ly/1WwM0eH
Carpe Diem Illustrated Life Stickers http://bit.ly/1r4zC9U
Carpe Diem Word Label Stickers http://bit.ly/1r4zyab
MAMBI Washi Watercolour http://bit.ly/24bz6bT
MAMBI Washi Peony http://bit.ly/1TBt9ge

Webster’s Pages Blush & Gold Foil Dot Planner http://bit.ly/1NI11Zz
Carpe Diem 12x12 Collection Kit http://bit.ly/26D5GCm
These Are the Days - January http://bit.ly/1TBsHP5
These Are the Days - February http://bit.ly/1WYUwU8
These Are the Days - March http://bit.ly/1WYUFqG
These Are the Days - April http://bit.ly/1YX80ys
These Are the Days - May http://bit.ly/1SE9SrT
These Are the Days - June http://bit.ly/1VYGUc7
These Are the Days - July http://bit.ly/1VYiRe5
These Are the Days - August http://bit.ly/1N9mJ8R
These Are the Days - September http://bit.ly/23fLYrR
These Are the Days - October http://bit.ly/23fLYrR
October Afternoon Witch Hazel Ephemera http://bit.ly/1TkLL1b
October Afternoon Witch Hazel Stickers http://bit.ly/1r4z97n

Until next time, planner friends, have a fabulous week!

Stef xx

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