
Summer Lovin' Bundle!

8:05 PM

Have you heard about the AMAZING printable bundle on sale at ink&wink?

To celebrate the warmer weather that my northern hemisphere friends are entering into, ink&wink have joined forces with some fabulously creative planner names and put together a bundle that is INCREDIBLE value:

I've been very fortunate to work on the Design Team for this bundle and had the opportunity to play with many of these designs in my planner layouts and I've got TWO bonus planner decoration layouts for you!

One layout features designs by Inspired Blush and BlursbyAi:

The other features some digital artwork by Mrs Brimbles:

Like what you see? You should definitely check out the bundle here.

If you're like me and you love your planner printables, I think you'll find it really valuable! I can't wait to play with the other designs that I have already printed out!

Until next time, happy planning!


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