
Planner Walkthrough | 2nd Quarter, 2016

9:00 AM

Hello, planner friends!

As promised in a few videos earlier last month, I did promise a walkthrough of my current planner set-up and review of the 2nd quarter of the year. For those of you who aren't familiar with my planner videos, I do a three-month review and walkthrough each quarter as a way of summarising where I am at with my planners. This is my way of sharing that process with you. It doesn't change hugely each quarter, but I do swap out aspects as I go.

So, without further ado, you can check out my video walkthrough below:

For those people who don't want to sit through the video, I'm going to summarise the contents of my planner below.

My planner is a medium sized Kikki.K leather planner from the Why Not? collection, which was released over a year ago now. (Or maybe longer, I have a hard time remembering.) I know you can still find them around the place, however, they are no longer stocked by Kikki.K as far s I can tell. It is my unicorn planner. I love the colour scheme, the size and the black rings.

Planner Pockets
I keep a selection of black and white (and pink) Project Life cards, as well as a Brimbles Box exclusive paperclip in the pockets at the front. I also keep a selection of stickers that I plan to use in the secretarial pocket (they're mostly functional stickers), along with a pack of sticky notes for marking temporary dates and a card with my colour-coding and bullet journalling symbols.

Dashboards and Other
I am currently using a Mrs Brimbles dashboard (a Winter-themed polar bear dashboard).

I also have a DIY Stiched Pocket (click to see a video tutorial) filled with sampler sticker sheets or nearly-finished sticker sheets that I want to use up. I go to those first before looking through my collection.

I make my own dividers. My current set is (still) my Hello Love by Crate Paper collection.

Planner Sections
1. Monthly Calendar
I use month-on-two page inserts that I designed, starting Monday-Sunday. I also have a monthly divider in to mark the month, too.

2. Weekly Pages
I make my own inserts (which you can find here and use the code NOVELTEAFANS for a 40% discount if you like them) which are week on two pages. They run from Monday-Sunday with a notes section before Monday. I am a pretty heavy decorator of my pages, but it works for me. 

You can check out every Plan With Me process video for the months of April-June in this playlist.

3. Perpetual Calendar
This is my 'birthday/events' calendar where I track dates that occur every year on the same date.

4. Media Tracker
I like to track my media consumption, so I have inserts for film, tv shows, books, theatre and music (which you can check out here with the same discount above).

5. Online Orders & Expenses
I use this to track shipping of orders and also my finances.

6. Notes - Master To Do List
This is where I list everything that needs to get done at some point. I refer back to it now and then to pick my top three things to get done on particular days.

7. Notes - General
This is for everything else. Currently it houses my 'To Read' list.

I hope that gives you an insight into how my planning system works for me. I'd love to know what you think, so feel free to leave a comment. What section of your planner can't you live without?

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