
Book Review | Stealing Snow

8:02 PM

I received an ebook of Stealing Snow via Netgalley for a fair and honest review. Thank you to the author, Danielle Paige, and the publisher, Bloomsbury Childrens for the opportunity to preview this book.

Snow is a seventeen-year old girl who’s spent most of her life living within the confines of the Whittaker Institute - a high security mental facility located in New York. She knows that she’s not crazy, but that she is different to everyone else, a fact confirmed for her when she meets a new orderly within Whittaker’s and begins dreaming of a strange tree. Snow plots to escape and and find the tree, and when she does, the lines between the reality she knows and the newer, stranger one she finds herself in begin to blur and she needs to unravel the truth from the lies in her own life.

The premise of Stealing Snow was very appealing to me, and while I enjoyed the book I don’t think it quite lived up to my expectations.

It was a fairly easy to read and there are a lot of really interesting characters - which I think for me became a bit of a drawback because we met so many characters that seemed to be integral to parts of the story but I don’t feel like we got to find out as much as we needed to about them. We get these snippets of them (in this book - perhaps they’ll be expanded on in subsequent books) but sometimes it felt more like adding more puzzle pieces without a clearer sense of how everyone is connected.

Snow, as a main character fell a little flat. As a character who’s spent most of her life living in an institute, she’s used to accepting orders and instructions from people and while I’ll accept that she’s not had that much experience making decisions for herself, there are some decisions that she makes in this story that I felt were quite strange and didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

There’s also three love interests, and while I can handle one or two in a story, three felt a bit much.

I found the world that Danielle Paige built to be fascinating. There are definite fairytale elements, as well, and I think this was what I was most excited about, however I feel some of this got lost amongst the infinite characters. 

Would I recommend this book? I do know a few people who would enjoy a story like this and would probably enjoy it more than I did. I would be interested in reading a follow-up book, to see what character development happens and how the plot evolves.

Overall, I gave it 3 stars

Title | Stealing Snow
Author | Danielle Paige
Genre | Young Adult, Fantasy
Publication Date | October 6th, 2016
Publisher | Bloomsbury Childrens
Format | eBook

Good Reads Review | Stealing Snow

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