
blog-tember | four . currently

4:22 PM

reading. Untamed by A.G. Howard
watching. Thoughts on Tomes
eating. Arnott's Malt-o-milk biscuits
drinking. Peppermint tea
celebrating. Father's Day
loving. Lazy Sunday afternoons
hating. That I have to get up early tomorrow
feeling. Like I want to make things
listening (to). Youtube videos
need to finish. Planning for next week

Don't forget to stop by and link up with Bailey at her blog Love Bailey Jean for Blog-tember day 4!

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  1. Peppermint tea sounds so soothing right now! I definitely need it before I go to bed!

  2. YES YES YES to peppermint tea and lazy sunday afternoons!! I have a small indoor herb garden and recently dried my own peppermint to make tea. SO delicious!
