
blog-tember | ten . a day in the life

9:57 PM

Hello wonderful friends.

So, I missed the last few days of Blog-tember because I've had a nutty, crazy-busy end of the week - two nights of our School Ball and then getting sick on the Friday (yay, fun times!) and I just didn't have the time or the energy to get the last three blog posts up. Rather than dwell on it and feel bad (which I do) I've decided to accept that some times these things happen and it's better to accept and move on than get stuck in a rut.

So, without further ado, here is a day in the life of me.

(And, to be honest, this was not a normal day. At all. But we'll go with it anyway!)

I wasn't able to take photos every hour, but I've got some to share, plus a break down of my day.

Alarm goes off. I refuse to get up.

Alarm goes off again. I lie awake in bed with a sore throat and no voice and very little desire to get up.

Up and out of bed sometime around 8:30am. Eat boiled egg and toast for breakfast around nine and get dressed/put on make-up for the day. Still no voice.

Still getting ready. Still no voice.
Leave for my local shopping centre around 10:30am on the bus.

An hour to kill before my hairdressing appointment. 
Wander through various shops - Forever New, Dymocks, QDB, Kikki.K and Myer.
Bought Myer gift card for grandmother's birthday.

Hairdressers appoint. Cut, colour. Relax.
Still no voice. (This is NO fun at all!)
Start reading The Reader by M.K. Harkins during wait time.

Still at the hairdressing salon. 
Still reading (up to page 117!).

Finish at hairdressing salon sometime before 2:45pm.
Awkward selfie. But very happy with the cut and colour.

Return to Forever New to buy clothes for my birthday.
A quick trip to Lovisa to pick up some unnecessary, but very pretty, jewellery.
A side stop to Mecca Maxima to buy eye liner - which I WILL learn to use. (I hope!)

Grab a Boost Juice (Berry Crush).
Catch the bus home.
Attempt to clean my room.

Still cleaning.
Watching new YouTube subscription videos and contemplating dinner.
Benny comes home with a hair cut of his own.

Quick trip with my sister to buy dinner: lamb souvlaki and chips. (Shh! It's a cheat day!)

Finish catching up on YouTube videos, emails and blog posts.

Pick up where I left off in The Reader.

Finish The Reader. Write review for Netgalley, GoodReads and blog.
Work on Blog-tember post for today!

A little more reading and then bed!
Still no voice though. 

Don't forget to link up with Bailey for today's Blog-tember challenge! See you all tomorrow!


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  1. Look like such a fun day! (Shopping and a hair apt and sister time!) but the no voice thing sounds awful! I hope you are feeling better soon!
