
blog-tember | twelve . three books

7:10 PM

Today we're asked to share three books: one we've just read, one we're currently reading, and one we want to read. I usually have one physical book and an ebook on the go at the same time (I'm on public transport a lot, so I read ebooks on the go!) but for the purposes of this post I'm going to stick to the physical books on my TBR.

city of bones cassandra clare
I finished reading City of Bones last weekend. It's the first time I've read a Cassandra Clare book (despite having read her fan fiction way back when). I know The Mortal Instruments series, of which this is the first, is very popular among Booktubers. I found it to be an okay book - it was a little slow, but overall it was fairly entertaining. I'm a big fantasy reader, and I love when it's incorporated into a contemporary world. I'll probably keep reading the series eventually because now I'm curious.

miss peregrine's home for peculiar children ransom riggs
This book seems to be everywhere at the moment, especially with the film coming out in a few weeks. I want to read it before I hear too much about the film, and this one comes highly recommended by many people. I'm only a few chapters in at the moment and I'm really enjoying it. It's not a super fast-paced read, so it's taking me a while. The old photographs really add something to this book. Also, I just love the feel of this book. The quality of the paper is amazing and smooth and the book is heavy. It's such an interesting and appealing aesthetic for a book.

this savage song victoria schwab
I received this book last month from OwlCrate and I can't wait to dive into it. I've heard some mixed reviews, but it's book one in a duology, and it's a world filled with monsters (and the people who created them). I'm purposely not trying to find out too much about the book in advance of reading - that's just how I like to read books - but I haven't read any of Victoria Schwab's books yet and I'm looking forward to jumping in to this one soon.

If you're new to my blog, I do write book reviews and also chat about books on my youtube channel (amongst other things). If you're interested in checking out the other books I've read/want to read this month, you can check out my Books to Read page, which has a month-by-month reading list, plus a record of all the books I read each month.

What book/s are you loving at the moment?

Don't forget to join in with Bailey over on her blog. Link up and check out some more book recommendations!


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  1. I feel like I should learn more about owl crate?! Sounds like a great idea!

  2. My sister LOVED City of Bones... I might be convinced to read it now.

  3. I have heard great things about Miss Peregrine's … and the movie trailer looks fascinating!

  4. Ok, I have several more to add to my list now, love your blog! Have a happy Monday!

  5. I really enjoyed Miss Peregrines. I haven't read the other 2 in the series yet, but I definitely want to. I had mixed feelings about the Mortal Instruments series. I think it could have and should have stopped with the third one.

  6. I haven't read City of Bones before! Sounds interesting, I definitely need to add it into my to-read list!
