
Book Review | Do Not Open This Book!

5:00 AM


This guy will do anything for you not to open this book!

Threats, bribes, reverse psychology - you name it!

Young readers will love doing everything they’re asked not to!

my thoughts.

Most Australians would be familiar with Andy Lee - one half of Hamish & Andy - and this, his first foray into children’s books, is a fun-filled read that young readers everywhere will love. 

I read this book to my class of 5-6 year olds and they loved nothing more than calling out ‘Turn the page!’ whenever they were told not to. There were giggles, full-on laughter and persuasive arguments as to why we should turn the page and keep on reading. At the end, there were cries for ‘Read it again!,’ which is always a sign of book that my students love.

Is it a work of children’s literature? Probably not. But it does sit in the same genre as The Book With No Pictures and This Is a Ball and is just as fun. If you’re looking for an enjoyable read for young children, I highly recommend it.

I gave Do Not Open This Book! 4 out of 5 stars.

author // Andy Lee
publisher // Lake Press
genre // Children’s Picturebook
publication date // September 2016
format // Hardback
rrp // AUD $19.99

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  1. My son LOVES A Book with No Pictures so I think this one may have to be on the Christmas gift list for him. Thank you for sharing!

    1. It's such a great book that kids love! Definitely check this one out, for sure. (Also, have you seen Did You Take the B From My _ook? and This Is a Ball by Matt Stanton? They're very similar, too. I'll have reviews up for them soon.)
