
Book Review | Rogue Squadron

5:30 AM

Author // Michael A Stackpole
Publication Month // 1996     
Publisher // Bantam
Genre // Film Tie-In, Science-Fiction


They are sleek, swift, and deadly. The are the X-wing fighters. And as the struggle rages across the vastness of space, the fearless men and women who pilot them risk both their lives and their machines. Their mission: to defend the Rebel Alliance against a still-powerful and battle-hardened Imperial foe in a last-ditch effort to control the stars!

Its very name strikes fear into enemy hearts. So when Rebel hero Wedge Antilles rebuilds the legendary Rogue Squadron, he seeks out only the best -- the most skilled, the most daring X-wing pilots. Through arduous training and dangerous missions, he weeds out the weak from the strong, assembling a group of hard-bitten warriors willing to fight, ready to die. Antilles knows the grim truth: that even with the best X-wing jockeys in the galaxy, many will not survive their near-suicidal missions. But when Rogue Squadron is ordered to assist in the assault on the heavily fortified Imperial stronghold of Black Moon, even the bravest must wonder if any at all will survive. . . . 


Rogue Squadron is my first reread for 2017, and one of my goals this year is to reread all 10 books in the Star Wars X-Wing series (now part of the Legacy books, superseded by the new canon).

The X-Wing series holds a lot of nostalgia for me - these were the first Star Wars expanded universe books that I read and I do enjoy them. I liked the development of minor part characters, such as Wedge Antilles, and other pilots throughout the whole series, and this book really sets the subsequent books up for the first arc of the story featuring Imperial villain, Ysanne Isard.

Rogue Squadron takes place after the fall of the second Death Star, as Wedge Antilles seeks to rebuild the legendary Rogue Squadron, known for taking on the most difficult missions, and also for it’s high mortality rate. We meet the new pilots, Corran Horn, Gavin Darklighter and others whom are selected and thrown into active duty far sooner than anyone would like.

For a book about starfighter pilots, the action is spread out through the book, while a lot of politics underpin the entire storyline. This slows down the story somewhat, but if you’re a fan of Star Wars and all the nitty-gritty details of what’s happening in the background to the more influential characters, then this is for you.

There’s not a huge amount of character development for most of the characters, being the first book in the series, but this is an excellent set-up for what’s to come.

Overall I gave Rogue Squadron 4 out of 5 stars.

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