
Book Review | The Sloth Who Came to Stay

5:30 AM

Author // Margaret Wild
Illustrator // Vivienne To
Publication Date // June 28, 2017
Publisher // Allen and Unwin
Genre // Picturebook
Price // AUD $24.99
Rating // ⭐︎

A wryly amusing story about a fast family who are taught to slow down when an adorable sloth comes to stay by the award-winning author of Fox and Ruby Roars.

Amy's family is speedy! They are always in such a rush that there is no time to talk or play - until the afternoon Amy brings home a sloth. Then things start changing very, very slowly ...

A timely tale about enjoying the little things in life from award-winning author Margaret Wild.


The Sloth Who Came to Stay is a charming look at the importance of slowing down and appreciating the world around you.

The book centres around Amy and her family. Both her parents like to get the most out of every day, rushing from one job or task to another without taking time to slow down, play, or enjoy what’s going on around them until Amy brings home a sloth. Things begin to change, slowly, as the sloth becomes integrated into their daily tasks.

This book is timely and relevant in a very busy age. We’re so consumed with getting as much done every day that it becomes difficult to stop and take time to appreciate what we have around us. Sloths have the distinction of being synonymous with slow, which is the key to Margaret Wild’s message in this story to young and old alike. It’s through the sloth that Amy (and her parents) finally begin to notice the little things in their lives - their neighbours, their neighbourhood and the sky at night.

Books like this teach children about the importance of appreciation and gratitude in a way that isn’t confronting or preaching. I gave The Sloth Who Came to Stay 4.5 out of 5 stars.

(Thank you to Allen and Unwin for sending me a copy of this book for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!)

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