
Omega (The Infinity Division #2)

5:30 AM

Author // Jus Accardo
Publication Date // August 1, 2017   
Publisher // Entangled: Teen
Genre // YA, Science-Fiction
Rating // ⭐︎


The second book in the Infinity time travel series is full of action, romance, and an intricately designed roller coaster plot.

One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson.

Only Noah isn’t really gone. Thanks to his parents’ company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, he’s determined to resist the magnetic pull he’s felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his mission—and their lives—in danger.


Omega is the second book in The Infinity Division series, following the inter dimensional travels of Noah, Cade and Kori, as they try to track down a murderer across various versions of Earth.

Or, at least, it should have been. The majority of this book was spent building up the relationship (and sexual tension) between Noah and Ashlyn, a young woman who appears to be a constant in his life on all the alternate realities Noah has travelled to. That in itself, isn’t necessarily a bad thing (although it did get a bit repetitive), but it did offer readers an opportunity to understand Noah a bit more. He’s been through a hell of a lot, and it’s clearly taken a toll on him/

I felt like we should have had more Kori and Cade in Omega - although it’s clear now these first two books have not only been setting up backstory and world building but also relationship building. One can only assume that the third book will bring all the characters back to the fore.

One aspect I really enjoyed reading about was the horrific world in which the trio find Ash. It’s such a stark contrast to our own, with mobster’s running the United States (including one in the White House) and scientists with little morality calling the shots on inter-dimensional travel. There’s a frightening tier system for society - with high, mid and low-tier statuses representing high/middle/low socio-economic status, but with much less tolerance for those on the low-end. Everything from food, clothing and jobs are allocated based on the tier system and it was a really interesting twist to add to this story.

Overall I thought Omega was a good book; it keep me engaged, I wanted to know what was going to happen to Noah and Ash and the others. I was very interested to see how they got themselves out of trouble this time around and didn’t see the ending coming.

I gave Omega 3.5 out of 5 stars.

I received a copy of Omega from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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