
Truth Without Fear: a "Wreck" Review

5:30 AM

Title // Wreck
Author // Fleur Ferris
Publication Date // July, 2017
Publisher // Penguin Random House
Genre // YA, Thriller, #loveozya
Rating // 


Tamara Bennett is going to be the first journalist to strictly report only good news. Finished with high school, Tamara is ready to say goodbye to her sleepy little town and part-time job at the local paper. O-weeks awaits, which means parties, cute boys and settling into student res with her best friend Relle. Things take an unexpected turn, however, when she arrives home to find her house ransacked and her life in danger. What is this mysterious note? And why does it mean so much to one of Australia's most powerful media moguls? Caught between a bitter rivalry and dangerous family secret, who can Tamara trust? Or should she trust herself? 


Wreck is an intense read that will have you holding your breath from start to finish.

From the outset, Tamara Bennett finds herself in danger - after returning home from dropping her parents off at the airport, she’s expecting to pack up her things ready to move to the city for uni when she’s attacked by masked assailants in her home. In that moment, her small home town has gone from being a safe haven to nightmare, all due to one mysterious note that she found be happenstance at the beach.

The action in Wreck begins in the first few pages, and it’s not often I find a book that leaves me tense from the very beginning and sustains that throughout the entire book. Tamara, as a main character is tough and resilient, but obviously out of her depth as she tries to piece together the puzzle pieces she holds before realising she hasn’t got all the information. For a young woman with a positive outlook on life, she’s learning - quickly - that not everything is as it seems, and you can’t always trust everything you hear. What’s so great about this young, female character is that she learns from her experiences, even if she does occasionally rush into situations blind.

I enjoyed the dual narrative of Tamara’s story alternating with William’s, as both sides of this thriller-murder-mystery story come to a head. Ferris has used short, sharp sentences that cut to the core of what she’s trying to achieve in each scene to keep the pace up, especially during moments of high action.

I also really enjoyed the anticipation built up within the narrative - lots of clues are dropped, but we’re constantly left questioning who is behind it all and how did it happen?

Overall I gave Wreck 4 out of 5 stars; a great young adult thriller, for those who are fans of the genre.

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