
Stripped Review

4:55 PM

Title // Stripped
Author // Tarrah Andrews
Publication Date // September 2017
Publisher // 
Readership // Adult
Genre // Romance
Australian RRP // $3.99 (Kindle Store)
Rating // ✭✭✭

I received a copy of Stripped from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Acceptance. Trust. Confidence.

Malcolm and I met in an unfortunate way, and he has pushed himself into my life. When my drunk best friend invites him to her wedding as my date, I reluctantly give him a chance. I’m giving US a chance and I’m pleasantly surprised.

Now I need to learn how to accept that he takes his clothes off for women. I need to trust that he’s not wanting to take any of them home. And I need to build the confidence when the green-eyed monster of jealousy rears its evil head.

Stripped is a funny, easy-to-read novella about taking a chance on love and seeing beyond outward appearances.

It’s no secret I enjoy a romance book from time to time to break up the rest of my reading and Stripped was a fun way to spend an afternoon with characters that I liked, dealing with relationship problems and finding ways to work through them. Malcolm and Beck meet when he hits her car and, intrigued by her, tried to pursue a relationship. This is strained by the fact that Malcolm is a male dancer and Beck has a hard time keeping a perspective on who he is on stage and who he is with her. Their reluctant relationship hits plenty of snags and they both have to have open, frank discussions about their insecurities, which is great to see.

The whole thing reminded me a bit of Magic Mike while I was reading it and that was kind of fun, but it’s its own story, and the fact that we get both sides of the story from the dual perspective really adds to the world.

I would have loved a more in-depth look at their relationship, but the novella-length prevents that. For a single, stand-alone story, it’s a lot of fun.

I gave Stripped 3.5 out of 5 stars.


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