
Plan With Me | Hop to It!

12:00 PM

Hello, Planner Friends!

This week I'm using the March Brimbles Sticker Bundle (aptly titled Hop To It!) to create my weekly planner layout for April 2-8.

First up, I need to confess that I absolutely adore pink and green as a colour combination, so the colours this month are right up my alley.

My second confession is that I decided to give a vertical planner layout another shot - traditionally, I don't do so well with vertical spreads, but in an effort to make the best use of the stickers that I have, I thought why not? A change can be as good as a holiday, and while initially I wasn't all that impressed with myself (I call it a moment of weakness!), I've actually come to really like the way this planner spread looks.

So let's get to it!

As always, I have a video of my planner process:

I created my own planner inserts for this spread, and while I'm still working out the kinks in the actual formatting of them, I'm loving the layout. Mondays and Tuesdays are typically pretty quiet days for me, so they are my smallest boxes, leaving Saturday and Sunday to have full-length boxes, because those are often my busiest days. And busy days need a lot of space!

The one thing I do need to get used to with vertical layouts is the spacing of everything. I love to decorate, so I need to really think about where I put everything down. 

Thank goodness I'm a white-space planner, because otherwise, this would drive me crazy. But the truth is, I love having space to just list or write or doodle in my planner for all those little things that come up on a daily basis.

And, can we talk about how gorgeous the little frogs are for a moment. They've got such great character and I adore them!

That's it from me this week. For more planner inspiration, you can head to my Youtube and Instagram pages.

I hope you all have an amazing week!


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