
Blog-tember Daily #1

7:49 PM

Brave Love Blog

By chance I stumbled across this wonderful challenge on Instagram the other day and I thought I would give it a shot. I don't know if I can make it blogging every day of the month, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I may post here, or on my teacher blog (Miss Galvin Learns), depending on the challenge prompts (click the image above for a link to Brave Love Blog for challenge details).

The first challenge prompt: introduce yourself.

I look back through the posts on this blog and I realised that I haven't really done an introductory post to me - which is silly because I do want you guys to get to know me! (And I want to get to know you!)

So, where to start?

Hi! My name is Stef and I'm a twenty-something year old teacher in Melbourne, Australia.

Aside from being a teacher (and somewhat obsessive learner!) I am also a big fan of crafts. I love to make things with paper - so it's no surprise that last year I feel in love with my planner, planner decorating and picked up scrapbooking to add to my crafting repertoire this year, too. I'm also having fun learning to hand letter, too.

I'm a firm believer in imperfect-perfect crafts - I don't take myself too seriously, so I don't stress out when mistakes/accidents happen. Life is too short to worry about those! (I just tell myself I can live with it!) And while I have been known to do a big craft haul here or there, I like to make do with what I have, too. Waste not, my friends!

Every day of the week I teach a beautiful class of Foundation (5-6 year old) students in their first year of primary school. It's always crazy, chaotic and fun. A perfect combo. I tend to be busy-busy-busy during the week and then I use my weekends to craft, film Youtube clips, photograph stuff for Instagram and my blogs and generally catch up on TV/films/etc. I love my job!

If you're looking to find me online, you can find me in many places:

I'd love to connect with - and get to know - more of you, so drop me a line in the comments. I'm happy to answer questions you may have or just say hi! 

Happy September 1st, friends!

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  1. hi Stef, Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the challenge as much I will. I am also a fellow "Melburbian"

  2. So good to meet you. I love your planner ideas and can't wait to delve into that a little more deeper. (I'm a paper girl myself)

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! (It's a fun little world... but important to make it work for you/make it your own!) Lovely to meet you!

  3. Hi Stefanie! Nice to meet you! I love crafts too. Sadly I don't get to do them much anymore but I love scrapbooking when I have the time! Ohh!!! YouTube..do you like to vlog?? I love vlogging and am always looking for other vloggers to watch! :)

    1. Hi Faith! Thanks so much for your comment - it's lovely to meet you, too! You know, I've never vlogged before... I'm SO nervous to try it (plus, my life is not too terribly interesting when I'm not at work - lol!). I'm trying to work up my nerve, but I'll let you know if I do! Mostly I have craft/planner videos at the moment. :)

  4. Love your introduction: so gentle and considered. Isn't it funny that so many of us bloggers are also crafty types? It's in the blood, I guess. My daughter just started big school so she's in the same 'level' class you teach: I can't imagine the fun you must have (whilst appreciating all your hard work).....5/6 years olds are the best aren't they? Totally themselves, totally open to the world.....look forward to getting to know you better through Blog-tember (if that doesn't sound too creepy!!)....Helen (http://www.iwillbloom.wordpress.com).

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Helen! (And no, it's not creepy at all!) It's lovely to meet you! I think blogging is such a 'craft' of it's own - it's not surprising those of us who love to make/do things are drawn to it!

      And that's wonderful to hear about your daughter - I hope she loves big school! This age group is such a lovely group to teach (this is my 6th year teaching them).

  5. So nice to meet you Steph! I bet you stay crazy busy and how fun to be in Australia?! One day I hope to make it over there and see what it's like :) So excited to connect with you through the blogtember challenge!

    1. Hi Morgan - thanks for you comment! Australia is really a lovely place to live. (I do love travelling, but it's always nice to come home!) Can't wait to get to know you through this challenge!

  6. Hey Stef! Just like You I love to make things with paper, I´m a Scrapbookerin. :)
    It's nice to know you through the Blogtember-Challenge. Unfortunately, my English is not so good, but i will try to read so much posts i can. :)

    best wishes from Germany,


    1. Hi there, Birgit! Thanks so much for your comment! Nice to meet a fellow scrapbooker!

  7. Wow, I have always wanted to visit Australia! I am sure it is a beautiful place! Looking forward to sharing this month long journey with you!

    1. Hi Kristie - thanks so much for your comment! If you ever get a chance to visit Australia, absolutely do it - you'll love it! Lots of wonderfully beautiful places to visit. I look forward to sharing the month-long journey with you, too!

  8. Stef,
    I love using my planner too and making it look fun and organized! Cool to hear that you enjoy teaching! Looking forward to following along with you for the #blogtember challenge!

    The Flame Dame

    1. Hi Morgan, thanks so much for leaving a comment! I look forward to getting to know you throughout the month, too!

  9. Hi Stefanie! I love planners and scrapbooking as well. It will be interesting to see everyone's blogs this month. I love the name Novel tea corner too! Thanks for sharing!


  10. Hi there! It is so nice to "meet" you!

  11. I share your lack of perfectionism--when I'm crafting, I'm doing it to have fun, it doesn't have to be precisely perfect in every way, I'll love it anyways! And Australia! I live in Malaysia--a lot of my friends here choose to move to Australia to work or study, or sometimes just to go on holiday. I've never been, though.

  12. Hey Stef! We have quite a few Aussies joining this month. SO EXCITING! Can't wait to get to know you more during this month. :)
