
Blog-tember Day 2 - My Ideal Day

7:59 PM

The prompt for Day #2 of the Blog-tember challenge is describe your ideal day. Where would you go  and what would you do?

This is a bit of a tough one for me, because I'm a self-confessed home-body. I love my friends and family, but me time is honestly something I treasure (and something I can cling to a bit while being single!).

So, an ideal day for me is any day when I don't have a whole list of teacher-jobs to do (which - teacher friends, you may understand this - is a rarity!) and time to craft away to my heart's content. Quite often this includes a favourite TV series on in the background (currently catching up on the last few seasons of Supernatural), and copious amounts of tea. Followed by some reading.

If we're talking 'out-and-about' days, I love days out in the city, exploring. Melbourne is a great place to go wandering out - so many stores, restaurants and cafes. Honestly, there's no way to be bore or unoccupied while out in the city. Those kinds of exploring days are really my favourite. I had one of those during the last school holidays where I did made an early visit to the Aquarium, then the Shrine of Remembrance, walked back up St. Kilda Road to the centre of the city and had a bit of a wander. It was just lovely!

I'd love to find out about your ideal day, so feel free to let me know in the comments. And don't forget to stop by and see who else has linked up.

Brave Love Blog

Until tomorrow, friends!

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  1. Oh I completely understand you (being a teacher myself)! Alone-time with some crafting, maybe some music and definitely a cup of coffee is heaven!

    1. I think, as teachers, we're just always 'on' at work and (even for those of us whom are introverts) we're always surrounded by people, sometimes it's nice just for the quiet time! Nice to know I'm not the only one, Kathleen!

  2. I'm totally with you on the struggle between staying home and getting out there.

    One of the perks I've found of living in a bigger city is there's always something new to discover on days I do want to venture out. I'd love to visit Melbourne someday and just explore!!

    1. Some days you feel like it, others? Not so much! LOL! But it's wonderful to just have the option some days!

  3. Ooh, copious amounts of tea sounds just great!

    1. I know! Days when I can just kick back with multiple cups of tea make me so happy!

  4. Definitely treasure that "me" time while you can! That's one of my biggest challenges after being married for 31+ years and having three kids. I really did not take me time during those years and I should have. Now, with kids grown and not needing me as much, I still feel a bit guilty taking the time to do things for myself. Ah, Blog-tember!

    1. I think it's one of those strange things where we grow to feel guilty about taking the time we need for ourselves. (Which is silly, because we should never feel like that about ourselves - we need that time to recharge.) Embrace your 'me' time!

  5. I'm such a homebody too! My ideal day pretty much consisted of eating good food and getting to spend time with people I love!

  6. Loved reading your thoughts & so glad to meet you through the link-up! I agree Stefanie, tea, crafting, & wandering about a city sounds like a beautiful day!
