
Blog-tember Day 3 | Blog Mood Board

8:41 PM

Day 3's challenge is to create a collage or inspiration/mood board for your blog.

This is kind of challenging for me. Noveltea Corner is really my playground - a place to share all the things I love. So, really, it's an extension of me. Thus, this mood board is really a mood board of me and the things that inspire me on a daily basis.

Which is basically anything black and pink and polka dotted!

(Plus, the quote above is something I try to remind myself of every single day.)

Although, if we're talking blog content, a lot of it revolves around planners and planner goodies and my current love of hand lettering and scrapbooking. If I had to make a current mood board of those particular loves for my blog, then it would be:

We are what we are inspired to be. At least, I think so!

Don't forget to join in the Blog-tember fun and click the link below to see the other wonderful posts!

Until tomorrow, friends, have a fabulous day!

Brave Love Blog

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  1. I love polka dots and pink, too! And, I recently became interested in all the planners available and seeing what people do in their planners! I look forward to becoming a regular reader of your blog! Great collage!!!!

  2. I love your mood board and will definitely have to check out your blog because I love planners too. I am all about stripes and pink too. I should have included a planner in my mood board


  3. Love your mood boards, so cute!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  4. So Sweet!!! I love your moodboards! Pink is in contrast to my moodboard. ;-)

    best wishes,

  5. Omgosh! How lovely! Both boards are so eye catching! The first is my absolute fave! So feminine and fun! <3 Thanks for dropping by my blog, I'll def be back to yours more often!
