
Blog-tember Day 24 | Favourite Bloggers

8:03 PM

Welcome back to Day 24 of the Blog-tember challenge. Today's prompt is to shout out five of your favourite bloggers.

So, without further ado, here are 5 bloggers I read regularly. (Full disclosure, I read a lot of bloggers over a lot of genres, so for simplicity's sake, I've stuck to non-teaching blogs here and I might be a teaching blog list over on my teaching blog at a later date!) In no particular order:

I love reading Karen's blog (and following her Instagram account) and I totally blame her for inspiring me to get into Project Life properly this year. Seriously, her layouts are awesome!

If you've never seen the A Beautiful Mess blog, I highly recommend you stop by. They have awesome and amazing posts about DIY crafts, recipes, scrapbooking and all sorts of fun, lifestyle articles. I get a lot of inspiration from this blog.

Long before I even considered myself capable of joining any design team (let alone Anna's design team) I loved reading Anna's blog. I found her through her YouTube channel because she's a planner gal and has amazing planner content. She's also an incredible artist. I just love reading all of her posts. 

I'm a huge fan of the StudioL2e stamps, but this year I've been absolutely blown away by the amazing content and inspiration that has been shared on their blog. If you love stamping or planning or just paper crafting in general, stop by their blog and check them out. All of their ideas can be applied in lots of different ways and projects!

If you're a scrapbooker, chances are you've heard of Amy Tangerine. I just love her blog and Youtube channel and get a lot of great ideas, tips and inspiration from her content. She always comes across as super upbeat and positive and it's nice to have a bit of that in my online reading!

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you have a fabulous day and I'll see you in my next post!

Brave Love Blog

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  1. Great picks, I have heard of two but I definitely explore the other three blogs.

  2. These are all new bloggers to me! I will have to check them out!!
