
Blog-tember Day 25 | 3 Songs

8:00 PM

Today's Blog-tember prompt is to choose 3 songs you are connecting with right now.

I'm really excited by this challenge, because I love listening to music. The songs that I have picked for today are songs that I can listen to on repeat and just enjoy them. No rime or reason, they just make me happy. So, without further commentary, on with the music!

1. Shut Up and Dance (Walk the Moon)

I don't think I can properly explain how happy this song makes me. It's fun, upbeat and it just reminds me of the saying just do it. Don't worry about looking ridiculous - dance and enjoy yourself! (Coming from someone who hates dancing!)

Also, bonus, someone did an AMAZING mash-up of video clips to the song. This is one of my favourite mash-up videos:

2. Liar and the Lighter (Gabrielle Aplin)

I could listen to Gabrielle Aplin all day. I actually had a really tough time picking one of her songs because I've just been listening to ALL her songs on repeat when I need some background music. I do love the piano and her voice in this one.

3. Flaws (Bastille)

This is another band whom I can play on repeat without any complaints. This is an acoustic version of one of my favourite songs and I think it makes it all the more special.

Another bonus is their acoustic version of Pompeii!

So those are just some of the songs I'm loving at the moment. What are you listening to?

Don't forget to stop by Brave Love Blog to see who else has linked up today!

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful day!

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  1. Fabulous! Great choices Stef! I love that Get up and dance song! I haven't heard it before and it's just the perfect song to be in the background while household chores are tackled, it's wonderful! I so agree about Gabrielle Aplin, she has the most beautiful voice, a pleasure to listen to. I hadn't heard the Bastille track either, love it!! Thank you for introducing me to some fabulous music! Have a wonderful weekend Stef,, huggles xx

  2. Great song choices! I absolutely love Bastille. Have you heard "Things We Lost in the Fire" by them? It's one of my favorites.


  3. I love the Flaws in acoustic! It's gorgeous.
