
Currently | October 2015

5:29 PM

Happy first day of October! Blog-tember is done, but I've got a load of content ready to schedule for you this month, and I'm really excited about. I thought I'd kick off the new month with a 'currently' post that will become a regular feature on the first of each month.

reading. A Lick of Frost by Laurell K. Hamilton
playing. with patterns for my zentangle spider
watching. YouTube videos on Halloween Hauls!
trying. to edit and process five upcoming YouTube clips
cooking. still not cooking! I did make a fabulous banana, mango and raspberry smoothie! Does that count?
eating. Arnott’s Shapes (Cheddar)
drinking. Soda water with lemon ice-cubes
calling. my nail tech to organise my next nail appointment
texting. Dad about what to do with crappy internet connections
pinning. all things Halloween!
tweeting. my favourite Youtube videos!
going. to unpack my #happymail box of goodies from one of my bests 
loving. the warmer Spring weather!
hating. that I’ve only got another 3 full days of term holidays
discovering. that I’ve got a spending problem (although maybe I sort of knew that already!)
thinking. that trying to look for apartment things is a lot of hard work
feeling. like I might need a nap!
hoping (for). lots of puppy cuddles today
listening (to). Gabrielle Aplin and Bastille’s cover of Dreams
celebrating. Grand Final weekend (okay, not really… mostly celebrating the fact that Ellie Goulding will be performing before the game!)
smelling. my candle from Typo
thanking. my lucky stars I have time to do all the things I love
considering. how to plan and schedule upcoming blog posts
starting. to prepare for term 4 (only 11 weeks until the end of the school year)
finishing. my drink… time for a new one!

Until next time, friends, have a fabulous day!

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  1. What a neat idea for the first of every month! How fun it will be to compare month to month. :) I also have to mention the fact that I too am trying to furnish an apartment. It is SO exciting but wow, lots of little things to consider/purchase. Especially coming from a slight ocd personality haha.
