
Book Haul | April-July

7:30 AM

In a first for my YouTube channel, I'm sharing a book haul. This is a cumulative book haul from April to mid-July and includes a variety of Young Adult, Self Help, Educational and Adult books.

I love to read - my love of reading was what inspired my online handle Noveltea many years ago - and while I do find it difficult to read during the school terms, as soon as school holidays hit I try to consume as many books as I can. 

If you're interested in checking out any of these books, you can find most of them on Book Depository (which also has free world wide shipping!). This is an affiliate link.

My challenge now is to get through all of these books that I have purchased (thanks for the black hole that is Booktube and all it's many wonderful recommendations)!

For those who are curious, I am about to start on Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas today.

What are you reading? What are your suggestions for me to add to my reading list?

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