
Plan With Me | Carpe Diem

9:00 AM

A few months back I ordered a big selection of Simple Stories' Carpe Diem collection from the Mrs Brimbles online store. I just loved the cute illustrations and great colours from the papers. They're really my colours, and I knew I had to do (at least one) planner layout with them!

Who am I kidding? There'll probably be more than one, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!

This is rapidly becoming one of my favourite layouts this year. The colours are just so beautiful and even though there are more colours than I would normally use, I think they work really well together!

Plus, did you see the Daschund?!

As always, I've got links to as many of the items used in this layout as I can find at this time, along with the process video and close-up photos.


That's all from me today. I hope that your planning is going well this week!

Happy planning, friends!


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