
Why I Don't Do Voiceovers On Youtube

2:29 PM

If you follow my blog, you're very aware that I also maintain a Youtube channel: Noveltea Corner.

My channel is really an amalgamation of all the things I love: planning, crafting, teaching, make-up, unboxings, books and a lot more. I have phases of all my passions and I love to share them with people.

The most consistent content that I post, on a weekly basis, are my planner decoration videos. I'm actually approaching my 1 year anniversary of sharing planner decoration videos and that's a really exciting thing for me. I like to think that my Plan With Me videos are fairly unique - I consistently use a personal-size planner, I mix stickers and stamps and printed images to create my own layouts that I don't really see anywhere else on Youtube. 

When I first started making these decoration videos, I was very self-conscious about recording voice-overs, so I instead sped up the footage and set it to music, and asked for feedback from my viewers about whether they were happy with that style or would prefer voice-overs. I honestly didn't get much in the way of feedback, so I've stuck with that style, because it works for me.

There are a few reasons for this:

1) I can't talk and plan at the same time. When I'm crafting, my mind wanders and I'm thinking about what I'm going to do next, what I need to do when I'm done crafting and everything in between. It's easier for me to just plan and not talk. (Plus, it's my happy space where I can let my mind wander.)

2) Speeding up the video keeps the viewing time down. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have time to watch 20-minute planner decoration videos every day/weekend from all my favourite Youtubers. I very rarely sit through the whole thing or skip through large chunks. Maybe I'm biased, but I'm in it for the decorating ideas, and as a visual person I prefer to look rather than listen.

3) To do a recording after the fact feels like double-handling and quite frankly, is weird for me.  This is a completely personal thing - I have a huge amount of respect for people who can do fantastic voice-overs. I am not one of them!

I am, however, always willing to answer questions people have about my process videos. If something is too quick or you want more information, I'd love for you to leave a comment either on my video or my blog or send me through an email. I do make DIY videos with talking so I can definitely re-do something to explain a technique in more detail if required (although I very rarely do anything too complicated, I don't think!).

That's a bit of the behind-the-scenes-thinking that takes place in my head while I'm creating content for my channel. (Relevant, too, since I've spent the last 5 hours filming, editing and preparing to upload a whole slew of planner videos for the next few weeks.) As always, I'd love to hear from anyone who has questions or comments.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and I'll see you guys in my next post!

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